This is the repository for our AI-FinalHomework. It includes our every version of codes for Deep Q-Learning Network (DQN).
It includes Prioritized Experience Replay, Dueling DQN, Double DQN, Dueling-Double DQN and Human act.
You can run the below command to prepare for the environment:
python3 -m venv AI-Final
source AI-Final/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Remeber that every time you want to run the python code, you need to activate the virtual environment.
source AI-Final/bin/activate
You can change directory to the relative subfoloder, and run it.
cd Dueling-Double
Note that you can change the hyperparameters to train you own agent:
python -h
usage: [-h] [--gamma [GAMMA]] [--seed [SEED]] [--memory_size [MEMORY_SIZE]] [--stack_size [STACK_SIZE]] [--eps_start [EPS_START]] [--eps_end [EPS_END]]
[--eps_decay [EPS_DECAY]] [--render [RENDER]] [--batch_size [BATCH_SIZE]] [--policy_update [POLICY_UPDATE]] [--target_update [TARGET_UPDATE]]
[--warm_steps [WARM_STEPS]] [--max_steps [MAX_STEPS]] [--evaluate_freq [EVALUATE_FREQ]] [--save_folder [SAVE_FOLDER]] [--load_folder [LOAD_FOLDER]]
[--cuda_device [CUDA_DEVICE]] [--rew_path [REW_PATH]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--gamma [GAMMA] decay rate
--seed [SEED] the seed to init weight
--memory_size [MEMORY_SIZE]
store the memory
--stack_size [STACK_SIZE]
store the relative frame's num
--eps_start [EPS_START]
start of the eps
--eps_end [EPS_END] end of the eps
--eps_decay [EPS_DECAY]
decay rate to run
--render [RENDER] render the training
--batch_size [BATCH_SIZE]
every train batch's size
--policy_update [POLICY_UPDATE]
the freq to update the policy DQN
--target_update [TARGET_UPDATE]
the freq to update the target DQN
--warm_steps [WARM_STEPS]
warm the agent and not to train
--max_steps [MAX_STEPS]
the all steps
--evaluate_freq [EVALUATE_FREQ]
the freq to evaluate and store the model
--save_folder [SAVE_FOLDER]
where to store the evaluate model
--load_folder [LOAD_FOLDER]
where to load the pre-trained model
--cuda_device [CUDA_DEVICE]
use which GPU
--rew_path [REW_PATH]
the path of rewards.txt