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Studio 42 GmbH edited this page Apr 24, 2022 · 7 revisions

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ATTENTION: This is the ALPHA release. Still many changes to come! More explanations will come in future.

The Data Language is designed to allow complex data driven projects to be more successful. Its simple syntax is close to JSON. But DL also provides extensible language constructs for types, enums, annotations and pragmas. It also allows you to modularize.

The Data Language provides a new state "loadTime" in your application life cycle (develop, compile, deploy, run). This allows you to easily make sure that just validated and consistent data enters your application. The possibilities range much further than any JSON schema can provide.

All entities types, annotations, enums, pragmas and instances are extensible.

You can find the complete ANTLR grammar here:


Instances are your data.

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Types allow to define the allowed entities in your domain dialect.

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Enums allow to define enumerations (list of defined values).

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Annotations allow you to give constraints to your types, attributes and instances.

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Expressions allow you to assign complex terms like 5 * ( 8 - 4 ) to your attributes.

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Alias allows to define another name for your types, annotations and pragmas.

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Require other modules to be loaded.

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Pragmas allow you to set system properties like i.e. if you are allowed to define further types etc.

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DL provides single line (//) and multiline comments (/* ... */)

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