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Fuzzing targets

My collection of various fuzzing targets that have been widely used in the fuzzing literature (in both academia and industry). I have tried to fuzz most of the following programs using my corpus, and founded several bugs.

Image processing

  1. jhead
  2. jpegoptim
  3. libjpeg-turbo
  4. astc-encoder
  5. imgdataopt
  6. exiv2
  7. lepton
  8. sam2p
  9. tinyrenderer
  10. tinyexr
  11. libheif
  12. libsixel
  13. netpbm
  14. ngiflib
  15. giflib
  16. gif2png
  17. mozjpeg
  18. jasper
  19. pngwriter
  20. ffmpeg
  21. gegl
  22. openexr

Audio/Video processing

  1. libav
  2. flvmeta
  3. libming
  4. gpac
  5. WavPack
  6. sound
  7. wav2json
  8. libwav
  9. audiofile
  10. gpmf-parser
  11. faac
  12. openh264
  13. mpg123
  14. mpg321
  15. mp3gain

Document (text/PDF/programming language) processing

  1. pdf2json
  2. podofo
  3. mupdf
  4. pdfsizeopt-jbig2
  5. poppler
  6. libxml2
  7. jsmn
  8. evince
  9. libksba
  10. patch
  11. vcftools
  12. matio
  13. json-parser
  14. pdfalto
  15. libofx
  16. Perl
  17. libsass
  18. libical
  19. libtorrent
  20. libredwg
  21. logrotate

Binary processing

  1. binutils
  2. elfutils
  3. yasm
  4. recutils
  5. pax-utils

Data archiving

  1. libzip
  2. zziplib
  3. lrzip
  4. Leanify
  5. libarchive
  6. muxzcat
  7. lz4
  8. gzip
  9. p7zip

Web development

  1. PHP
  2. mjs
  3. binaryen


  1. cmft
  2. libiec61850
  3. xdrpp
  4. ghostpdl
  5. nfdump
  6. dosfstools


A collection of widely-fuzzed targets







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