❗ Attention: This project is not maintained anymore. Please head over to the iZivi repository for a maintained version.
An E-Recruitement tool to plan swiss civil service missions
The project's purpose is to manage planning Zivis (swiss civil service agents), when they start their employment and when they finish.
Download and install a Git client:
e.g. https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/
Check out the current version
Download and install Meteor (https://install.meteor.com).
curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
Checkout this Repository's branch develop with Git:
git clone https://github.com/stiftungswo/izivi_relaunch.git
git checkout develop
You should now see the following folder structure inside the locally checked out repository:
- _deprecated_symfony_backend
- WIP backend for a new izivi based on symfony, deprecated in favor of nodejs/graphql
- backend
- Platform: Meteor (NodeJs) based backend
- GraphQL API
- MongoDB
- webui
- Platform: Nextjs based progressive spa
- React as frontend framework
- Statically exportable
Install dependencies and start backend:
cd backend
meteor npm run install
meteor npm run dev
Install dependencies and start frontend:
cd webui
meteor npm run install
meteor npm run dev
If you want it more simple like wtf, just start the things then run meteor npm start
in the git repository root.
You don't have to prefix the npm commands with meteor if you have a proper version of NodeJS already installed on your system but you need to install meteor for the backend anyway that's why we prefix it always in this guide. The command meteor node/npm always use the prepacked nodejs of meteor
When both apps are running you can access the app with your browser.
Web App:
open http://localhost:3000
GraphQL API Sandbox / Documentation explorer:
open http://localhost:3010/graphiql
This codebase adheres to the Airbnb Styleguide and is enforced using ESLint.
It is recommended that you install an eslint plugin for your editor of choice when working on this codebase, however you can always check to see if the source code is compliant by running:
npm run lint
Develop on branch develop and merge to master every time you deploy to production. More than 2 people concurrently working at the product? please use feature branches! https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/workflow-for-git-feature-branching-814201830.html
Don't make this more complicated than it is. If you have write rights then just push, don't create pull requests. There are no rules for commit messages either and nobody tells you you're a good guy when you rebase your changes. What is important is that the whole system starts up before you push changes to develop/master!
mongodb://localhost:3011 (always +1 to backend port)
Mac: https://robomongo.org, https://github.com/jeromelebel/MongoHub-Mac
Fire this and write down the token: mutation { loginWithPassword(username: "YOUR_USER", plainPassword: "YOUR_PASSWORD") { id token } }
Use https://github.com/skevy/graphiql-app, point it to http://localhost:3010/graphql and add a header:
key: meteor-login-token value: YOUR_TOKEN
Test if login worked:
query {
me {
### Build apps for production
npm run build
This will generate minified optimized versions in ./backend/.build/bundle
and ./webui/.next/dist
After you generated the production builds, you can create docker images out of these by:
npm run dockerize
In docker-compose.yml you'll find an example of how these apps can be orchestrated together, you can try it out on my local docker engine by running:
docker-compose up -d
copy ./backend/.build/bundle to server with nodejs installed and start the backend like this:
cd programs/server
npm install
export MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongodb_host:port/izivi
export ROOT_URL=http://graphql-host/
node main.js
for the webui
cd webui
export GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT=http://graphql_host/graphql
npm run build (again, **because next needs environment variables be be set at build time!!!**)
npm run start
You can also use now.sh to test the backend: https://medium.com/@purplecones/deploying-a-meteor-app-for-free-using-zeit-now-c183329057c9
And the webui: https://github.com/zeit/next.js#production-deployment
You'll need a MongoDB instance accessible from somewhere, consider MongoLab for testing (free tier).
Production Deployment for SWO, any credentials can be found by accessing the DiskStation's drive in IT -> Software -> iZivi. Try using https://github.com/zeit/next.js#static-html-export
Docker engine @ SWO (hosted on Mac Mini or any VPS with a bare minimum of 500mb of ram + swap enabled, like digitalocean 5 USD)