tools i am using
- editor: vs code 、webstorm
- frontEnd Extensions:
- Eslint、Prettier、Stylelint、EditorConfig for VS Code
- Code Spell Checker
- Debugger for Chrome
- Debugger for Firefox
- Live Server
- Vue Language Features(Volar)
- App Center: front-end rarely uses this, About App Center
- universal or Other Extensions:
- Parameter Hints: Automatic parameter hints
- Git File History
- GitLens
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Remote - Container
- Go: Some times also write Golang applications
- Nginx Configuration Language Support
- Vim
- Github Copilot
- theme:
- vscode: Remix Theme
- webstorm: Monokai Pro
- font: Droid Sans Mono、Fira Code
- pnpm and yarn: Package Manager
- zsh: terminal
- zsh-plugins:
- extract
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- gitignore: Provides a gi command to query and create gitignore template
- command-not-found: When the command does not exist, it will automatically query
- Fig
- GitHub Desktop
- Postman
- Chrome/Chrome Dev、Firefox
- SetApp: Provides a lot of good apps
- Office 365
- Adobe Acrobat DC
- Adobe PhotoShop
- vscode、webstorm、android studio、xcode
- Navicat Premium
- utools
- FuckConfig: I wrote my own configuration management tools, not available to the public for the time being
- Computer:MacBook Pro 13 intel i5
- keyboard:Lofree Mid-Summer (Accompany)
- Display:AOC U27U2D 27inches 4K
- Audio equipment:JBL Flip 6
- Ali Cloud Domain x 2
- Email MX Service
- Mail Service Pro
- Ali Cloud CDN/OSS
- Tencent Cloud
- Jenkins
- Deployment Service
- Tencent Cloud Email