(Image Attribution: adapted from Midjourney CC-BY-NC)
This repository is the result of the portfolio examination of the Cloud Service Benchmarking course by @dbermbach, @martingrambow and @njapke at TU Berlin.
This project benchmarks the overhead of Mastodons federation in different scenarios in the Google Cloud Platform.
Results for Mastodon v4.0.2 can be found in the jupyter notebook in analysis/plot.ipynb
or here in the report (including the raw files).
The source code resides at GitHub and TU GitLab.
- docker (mandatory)
- docker-compose-plugin
Other requirements - alternatively provided in the gcloud-terraform image (see make help
- make
- openssl
- Apache Maven
- Terraform
- Ansible
- gcloud SDK
For analysis:
- python3
- poetry
Setup (for local dev deployment)
⚠ NOTE: The Dockerfile was moved/renamed and may currently not be fully functional. This was only used as a playground.
Create the .env.production
file (especially the secrets and keys):
# generate keys for SECRET_KEY_BASE and OTP_SECRET
docker run -it --rm tootsuite/mastodon bundle exec rake secret
# generate webpush VAPI key
docker run --rm -i tootsuite/mastodon bash -c "bundle install 1>&2 && bundle exec rake mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key"
Create a symlink to the new .env-file (ignored by the gitignore within the mastodon folder).
ln -s ../.env.production mastodon/.env.production
# to build minica in docker:
docker build -t minica minica/.
# create a certificate for localhost
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)/cert:/cert" minica --domains localhost
Run in docker compose to populate docker volumes.
docker compose -f mastodon/docker-compose.yml run --rm precompile-assets db-migrate
docker compose -f mastodon/docker-compose.yml up
If you don't want to or cannot install terraform and gcloud sdk locally, you can use it through docker:
docker build -t gcloud-terraform:412 gcloud-terraform
docker run -i --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash -v "$(pwd)/terraform:/home/cloudsdk/terraform" -v gcloud-config-personal:/home/cloudsdk/.config -v gcloud-config-root:/root/.config --name gcloud-terraform -w /home/cloudsdk/plans gcloud-terraform:412
# now you have a shell to run gcloud and terraform commands
Some scripts make use of the gcloud cli (specifically gcloud compute ssh-config
), which requires proper login and the
project and zone set:
export $GCLOUD_PROJECT=cloud-service-benchmarking-22
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project $GCLOUD_PROJECT
gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west1-b
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project $GCLOUD_PROJECT
Generate an SSH key, a root certificate for self-signing, prepare it for bundling it with the client app, build the client and generate secrets required for mastodon to be used configured with Terraform and used by Ansible:
make init
Which is short for:
max_instances=10 # just to be sure; 3 are enough for the current biggest scenario
# if running inside docker: to be able to mount a volume from the host
if [ -z "$HOST_VOLUME_MOUNT" ]; then
echo "No HOST_VOLUME_MOUNT set. Assuming running on the host and the following directory is accessible by the docker daemon: $HOST_VOLUME_MOUNT"
# generate an ssh key to access the gcloud machines
ssh-keygen -f .ssh/id_ed25519 -t ed25519
# build the minica image and run it once, to create the root certificate
docker build -t minica minica/. # if not done already
docker run --rm -v "$HOST_VOLUME_MOUNT/cert:/cert" minica --domains localhost
# transform the root cert into a format Java understands and create a build of the client with that cert
openssl x509 -outform der -in cert/minica.pem -out client/src/main/resources/minica.der
# generate multiple secrets to be used by mastodon instances
echo "secrets:" > terraform/secrets.yaml
# repeat as much as maximum parallel instances to be deployed
for i in $(seq $max_instances); do
echo "Generating instance secrets [$i/$max_instances]"
./scripts/secrets.sh >> terraform/secrets.yaml
# initialize terraform and install used modules
terraform -chdir=terraform init
(see make help
for available scenarios and if requirements are fulfilled)
make scenario=debug_multi setup prepare start
# stop and retrieve log files:
make scenario=debug_multi stop collect
# to shutdown all resources:
make destroy
In the project root directory, the following command runs the benchmarked scenarios for a client duration of 20 minutes and with 5 repetitions:
./tootbench -n 5 --runtime 1200 -c 6core-6GB_25sidekiq_5.5s_interval_20min 3x10 2x15 2x10 1x10 1x30
A summary of the configuration will be shown and needs to be confirmed. After that, the tool will run all everything automatically, even posting progress notifications via ntfy.sh and retrying if a run failed somewhere.
After all runs it will run the ./analysis/preprocess.sh
script automatically on the new files.
Requires Python3 and poetry (not available in the gcloud-terraform container).
Install dependencies via poetry in the analysis
directory, if not done already: poetry install
Within the analysis
directory run ./picasso.py
and select the input folder containing the log files to be processed.
This script will take a moment and generate many plots and tables.
: contains an IntelliJ run configuration to create the gcloud-terraform Docker image and open a terminal inside a new container of thatanalysis
python project for analysis scripts/input
preprocessed input files/output
generated result files e.g., plots, tables in different formats/preprocessing
utility scripts used bypreprocess.sh
to preprocess files inplaybooks/logs/
cli entrypoint for analysis
Java project for the tootbench load client applicationgcloud-terraform/Dockerfile
Image with (almost) all necessary dependenciesmastodon
git subtree of the original mastodon v3.5.5 source for custom builds with some applied patches for additional logs and (almost) practically disabled rate-limiting- for a prebuilt docker image see https://git.tu-berlin.de/stendler/tootbench/container_registry/978
Image to easily create TLS certificates intocert
Ansible playbooks for the benchmark deployment lifecycle: await-init, prepare, start, wait, stop, collect, clean/logs
output folder for collected logs by timestamp (plus additional comment configured in./tootbench
cli argument)
mainly scripts used in the Makefile for the benchmark deployment lifecycle/util
administration utility scripts used on the deployed mastodon instances
Terraform and cloud-init declaration of the used infrastructure/scenarios
Contains a.tfvars
file for each scenario to be benchmarked
simple way to use the utility scripts and manually instruct deployments. Seemake help
CLI script to orchestrate a benchmark of multiple scenarios and multiple runs. See./tootbench --help