Simple Max For Live patch which implements the concept of unquantized amplitude variations.
This patch was created to evolve pads, drones and any kind of long sustained sound throughout time, but interesting results may come out by applying it to any kind of different dynamics.
The concept is pretty straightforward: two graphs allow the user to draw independent cycling envelopes for Left and Right channel of any incoming audio signal. Clicking on L
or R
will focus on the respective channel curve editor.
to add a point, drag
a point to shape the envelope, click+shift
on a point to delete it, click+alt
and drag
on a segment to curve it exponentially or logarithmically. The first point of each envelope is fixed and cannot be moved.
controls the length of the complete course of both graphs (the higher the value, the longer the time it takes to the envelope to complete and repeat itself), but it's important to note that each graph cycles through the first and the last point (which doesn't necessarily have to match its extreme boundary), allowing to create different durations for each channel.
The button SYNC
allows the relative graph to send a global trigger for both envelopes at the end of its cycle. The flashing led button is clickable and re-triggers the corresponding envelope, whilst RESET
re-triggers both at once.
controls the balance between the dry and the wet signal. 12 slots of memory are available to store and recall any particular settings of the graphs.
routes each envelope to a separate audio channel.
Ableton Live 10 or higher required.
To listen to separate signals, activate MULTI
, open a new audio track in Ableton Live then use the Audio From
dropdown menu to choose the track where the device is located and the corresponding input channels. When MULTI
is on, the interface theme changes in order to make the selected mode clearly visible.
Live only accepts stereo channels for internal routing:
channel goes to channels3/4
channel goes to channels5/6
The dry signal is always output from the device's main channels.
To do:
- implement presets recall (currently they're more of a snapshot kind and are not stored into the Live Set);
- adding refined Audio Rate controls for Cycle;
- gen~ implementation.