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tumble edited this page Jul 15, 2023 · 8 revisions


the primary objective of skygames x is to let people play denki's released games offline. It will be developed to provide this and offer features like support for many platforms and devices


The scope of this project includes menus designed to look like sky games 2007 and you can click on a game it wil start downlloading it and then you can play it

Target audience

the main target audience would be people in the STG Gaming discord (as they will be the only people that will know about it), but also people on the move oor stuggleing internet connections, but also people with weird devices with internet browsers without user script support



  1. Planning docuements
  2. start developing
  3. try compiling to platforms (mobile, desktop, web)
  4. run a game
  5. add game downloading
  6. multiple library folders


  • Colbalt
  • DirectGaming
  • Fner
  • Tumble

we will develop in a live share and then eventialy dispirce into our own sections of code

Methods of testing

Tumble has a linux pc

Tumble and Cobalt have Android phones

Calbalt has a windows pc

Robert and Evil Hamburger64 have mac computers

ixa pepsi and evil hambuger have iPhones

we will not use analytics or any methods of automatied data collection, we will use discord communication

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