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tumble edited this page Jul 16, 2023 · 7 revisions

Interface and menus

alot of the functionality will be inspired my steam such as the library management

Games List

List of games

Clicking on a game should either:

  • Desktop - install the game if not already installed (maybe bring the user to a menu where they can select the folder)
  • Web - link directly to the game

Games that are not installed should be greyed out when offline on the desktop version


Colour Web Desktop Mobile
Red Controls Downloads Downloads
Green Sort Sort Sort
Yellow Music Music Music
Blue Settings Settings Settings

Installing games

Applies to: Desktop, Mobile

When installing games, if there are multiple library folders setup it should prompt the user to pick one

games should be installed by downloading{id}/app.{html,js,wasm,data}

By extension, we could also support

		files: [
		files: [
			"todo: get list of files for beehive bedlam


  • Theme - change theme between different looks such as Open... Sky Gamestar and Sky Games and maybe any others
  • Game folders disabled on the web version - manage multiple game folders where people can download their games to
  • Userscripts disabled on the web version, prompt people to get Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey/Violentmonkey, maybe even have links to install the userscripts - enable and disable the userscripts


Themes will involve

  • Interface - layout of the screen the games list
  • Music
  • Images for the logos and stuff
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