I have created this demo to showcase ASC+Kubernetes+Deis simple scenarios at Moscow Azure Meetup, April 19 https://github.com/evangelism/AzureMeetupApril19
Here I forked the repo to continue to develop demos (and remove PPT :) )
WARNING! If you use Bash for Windows for this lab, to successfully connect to Kubernetes cluster you should use SSH keys with no password. For normal Linux, all works fine, I expect the same porblems for MacOS. Seamless way to test this is to use a bash console integrated into the Azure portal.
k8-linux/createk8s.sh - bash script with parameters to create Kubertentes cluster at Azure Container Services
k8-linux/createdeis.sh - bash script with parameters to create Deis Workflow on created Kuberntetes cluster (use the same prameters as createk8s.sh)
Change the following parameters to use for your test:
Purpose | Parameter | Current value in scripts |
Azure Resource Group name | AZURE_RG_NAME | stas-k8s-rg |
Azure DC Location | AZURE_DC_LOCATION | southcentralus |
Azure Container Service name | AZURE_SERVICE_NAME | stas-k8s-acs |
Azure DNS Prefix for Azure Container Service | AZURE_DNS_PREFIX | stas-k8s |
Azure Storage Account name for DEIS usage | AZURE_SA_NAME | stask8sdeisstorage |
Before run the scripts you need to perform login to your Azure subscripion with Azure CLI using the following command:
az login
Don't forgert to mark the scripts as executable:
sudo chmod +x createk8s.sh
sudo chmod +x createdeis.sh
Azure CLI 2.0
az - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli
Kubernetes command-line tool
kubectl - https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/kubectl/install/
Helm is a tool for managing Kubernetes charts. Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources
helm - https://github.com/kubernetes/helm/blob/master/docs/install.md
The Deis command-line interface (CLI)
deis - http://docs.deis.io/en/latest/using_deis/install-client/
To test the deployment you need to find a right hostname to use with deis CLI.
Execute the following command to find EXTERNAL IP of your Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl --namespace=deis get service deis-router
You results will look like this one:
NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE deis-router 80:31912/TCP,443:31642/TCP,2222:31239/TCP,9090:32507/TCP 5m
Use EXTERNAL-IP value to build the hostname to access Deis. It will be:
For example, for the output above it is:
To deploy your first app you need to register on Deis using following command:
deis register http://deis.EXTERNAL-IP.nip.io
Example output:
stas@ubuntuserver:~$ deis register http://deis. username: admin password: password (confirm): email: myemail@mycompany.com Registered admin Logged in as admin Configuration file written to /home/stas/.deis/client.json
As the first registered user you will receive adminstrative priveleges.
Check that you set all right executing following command:
deis whoami
Example output:
stas@ubuntuserver:~$ deis whoami You are admin at http://deis.
And finally add your ssh pub key to Deis:
deis keys:add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Great! So now your ready to deploy your first app to Deis.
To test Deis installation you can use the follwing guides:
For Applications - https://deis.com/docs/workflow/quickstart/deploy-an-app/
For Containers - https://deis.com/docs/workflow/applications/using-dockerfiles/
Or you can use prepared k8-linux/testdeis-app.sh script. Don't forgert to mark the scripts as executable:
sudo chmod +x testdeis-app.sh
After the script execution my-first-deis-app was created. You can check it by using the following command:
curl http://my-first-deis-app.deis.EXTERNAL-IP.nip.io
where EXTERNAL-IP is the EXTERNAL-IP of deis-router you detected before.
Example output:
stas@ubuntuserver:~/example-go$ curl http://my-first-deis-app.deis. Powered by Deis Release v2 on my-first-deis-app-web-4229391613-ps87f
If you fail to deploy deis becouse of storage name problems, you can't normally deploy it second time before you delete already deploied secrets. Please execure the folloeing conmmand and check the output. You should delete all opaque secrets.
kubectl —namespace=deis get secrets
For example
kubectl —namespace=deis delete secrets builder-ssh-private-keys kubectl —namespace=deis delete secrets database-creds kubectl —namespace=deis delete secrets deis-workflow-manager kubectl —namespace=deis delete secrets deploy-hook-key kubectl —namespace=deis delete secrets django-secret-key kubectl —namespace=deis delete secrets logger-redis-creds
Then re-check Azure storage naming and re-deploy deis.