Fumanchu.js is a Mustache.js extension. It behaves like Mustache.js, but does a lot more.
It can…
- register templates
- register helpers
- use registered templates as mixins/partials
- collect elements directly by setting attributes in the template
##fumanchu( template [, data, partials] )
####fumanchu( template ) template A string containing a template
fumanchu("<h1>Hello World!</h1>");
Will return a document fragment with containing the h1 element, not as a string
####fumanchu( templateId )
templateId A string containing a template ID for a registered template
####OR even
####fumanchu( template, data, partials )
template A string containing a template OR a template ID
data A plain object containing data to pair with the template
partials An object containing templates or just strings to mixin
var data = { title : "Hello World!", text : "Foo bar baz"};
fumanchu( "<h1>{{title}}</h1><p>{{text}}</p>", data );
This will result in:
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>Foo bar baz</p>
####return document fragmant
fumanchu will return a document fragment containing a method, appendTo( selector )
, collected elements and the fragment it selv.
##fumanchu.register (namespace)
####fumanchu.register.template( id, template )
name A string containing the template id
template A string containing the Mustache template
fumanchu.register.template( "title", "<h1>{{title}}</h1>" );
fumanchu( "title", { title : "Hello World!" } );
NOTE: It's also possible to write templates inline in the HTML document, and then have fumanchu to pick them up with fumanchu.init() OR if you're using Require.js, take a look at AMD and plugins
####fumanchu.register.helper( id, function )
name A string containing the helper id
function The helper function
fumanchu.register.helper( "foo", function(){ … } );
####fumanchu.register.helpers( helpersObj )
helpersObj An object containing keys (helperId) and functions (helper)
fumanchu.register.helpers({ foo : function(){ … }, bar : function(){ … } });
####fumanchu.init( [selector] )
selector Optional. A string containing a selector expression. Defaults to 'script[type="text/fumanchu-template"]'
Fumanchu will use the selector to search the DOM for templates, and register them automaticly.
<script id="myTemplate" type="text/fumanchu-template">
fumanchu.init(); // pickup templates
fumanchu( "myTemplate", { title : "Hello World!" } ).appendTo( "body" );
NOTE: The document has to be loaded / ready before using .init()
Collecting elements is very handy, and can be done directly from the template like this:
<script id="myTemplate" type="text/fumanchu-template">
<h1 data-collect-as="title">{{title}}</h1>
<li data-collect-as="list" data-collect-type="array">{{.}}</li>
var data = {
title : "Hello World!",
list : ["foo","bar","baz"]
fumanchu.init(); // pickup inline templates
var result = fumanchu( "myTemplate", data ).appendTo( "body" );
console.log(result.title) // Contains the h1 element
console.log(result.list) // Contains a list of li elements
NOTE: data-collect* attributes will be removed from the rendered html.
####fumanchu( … ).appendTo( selector )
selector A string containing a selector expression
Will append the elements in the returned document fragment to the first element matched by the selector.
fumanchu( "<h1>{{title}}</h1>", { title : "Hello World!" } ).appendTo( "body" );
####return empty document fragment This method will return an empty document fragment, still containing the collected elements.
By registering several templates you can insert one template in another.
var data = { title : "Hello World!", text : "Foo bar baz"};
fumanchu.register.template( "title", "<h1>{{title}}</h1>" )
fumanchu("{{> title}}<p>{{text}}</p>",data);
This will result in:
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>Foo bar baz</p>
Take a look at the examples and you will find amd-plugins for templates and .svg files that comes in handy.