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✨ This workspace has been generated by Nx, a Smart, fast and extensible build system. ✨
This workspace has frontend project and a backend project.
Frontend project is React based and backend project is Express based.
To build the project run yarn build
or lerna run build
in the root directory.
This builds both the frontend and backend projects.
Build output is in the dist
There are two builds for frontend. Once is for Single SPA and another one is for Webpack 5.
This project is a mono repo that utilizes nx and lerna to create a micro app chatbot component that can be seamlessly incorporated into any web application. It offers two integration options: Single SPA and Webpack 5 Module Federation.
Clone the repository:
Navigate to the project directory: cd chatbot
Install dependencies: yarn install
To integrate the chatbot component into your web application using Single SPA:
Add Single SPA reference and understand its usage and configuration.
Visit [Single SPA](https://single-spa.js.org/docs/getting-started-overview) for more information.
Import the chatbot component into your Single SPA configuration.
Customize the chatbot's appearance and behavior based on your application's requirements.
To incorporate the chatbot component using Webpack 5
Familiarize yourself with Webpack 5 Module Federation. Learn how to share code and components across multiple applications. Visit Webpack 5 Module Federation for more details.
Configure your Webpack setup to include the chatbot module.
Customize the chatbot's styling and functionality to suit your application's needs.
Run npx nx connect-to-nx-cloud
to enable remote caching and make CI faster.
Visit the Nx Documentation to learn more.
This project uses commitlint to enforce commit message conventions. The commit message conventions are defined in the commitlint.config.js file.
This project uses husky to run git hooks. The git hooks are defined in the husky.config.js file.
as part of yarn install husky will run husky install
which will create a .husky
directory and add a pre-commit
hook to the .git/hooks
directory. The pre-commit
hook will run yarn lint
before allowing a commit to be made.
npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx lint-staged"
# .husky/commit-msg (v8)
npx --no -- commitlint --edit $1
npx husky add .husky/commit-msg "npx --no -- commitlint --edit $1"