Provides a grafana datasource to get annotations for each deployment in gitlab. Useful to see whether code you deployed had any impact.
$ go build
$ export GITLAB_URL=
$ export GITLAB_TOKEN=apitoken
$ export HTTP_ADDRESS=:8080
$ ./gitlab-deployment-annotations
Log into grafana (http://localhost:3000
) and add a SimpleJSON datasource
and point it to your datasource, e.g. http://localhost:8080
Add annotations to a dashboard using your datasource and configure the query (which accepts JSON), which allows you to select the project you want to display, for example:
{"project_id": 16, "environment": "Live"}
- Build a grafana container image with the simple-json-datasource plugin preinstalled using this Dockerfile:
FROM grafana/grafana
RUN grafana-cli --pluginsDir "$GF_PATHS_PLUGINS" plugins install grafana-simple-json-datasource
$ docker build -t gf .
- Run a local instance of grafana
$ docker run --net host gf
- Run and configure the datasource (see usage)