released this
21 Nov 16:58
1139 commits
to main
since this release
- #674 - Jaxb2Marshaller.createJaxbContext() doesn't respect provided classloader when checking JAXB version [SWS-550].
- #673 - integrate AbstractWsSecurityInterceptor with EndpointExceptionResolver [SWS-549].
- #672 - Expose suppressNamespace and suppressXSIType as properties to CastorMarshaller [SWS-548].
- #671 - IllegalArgumentException on AxiomSoap11Body.addFault [SWS-545].
- #667 - Update OSGi headers to accept Spring 3.0 [SWS-541].
- #660 - Request JMS correlation id field not used to set response message JMS correlation id [SWS-534].
- #652 - Document use of WsdlDefinition when not using MessageDispatcherServlet [SWS-527].
- #650 - SaajSoapMessage can get wrong SAAJ version [SWS-525].
- #649 - CLONE -Namespace prefix in attribute value not resolved correctly [SWS-523].
- #646 - HTTP Accept header field contains invalid type, and omits text/xml [SWS-520].
- #644 - Echo sample application fails to build due to missing dependency [SWS-518].
- #643 - Soap response validation errors after update to 1.5.7 [SWS-517].
- #605 - Add a new HttpsUrlConnectionMessageSender implementation to allow customization of certificate management [SWS-468].