released this
21 Nov 17:02
1739 commits
to main
since this release
- #373 - AbstractAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping doesn't allow proxies [SWS-222].
- #372 - PayloadValidatingInterceptor reference material should mention 'schemas' property. [SWS-221].
- #371 - Jaxb2Marshaller::supports method does not consider multiple marshallers [SWS-220].
- #351 - Spring-ws reads the entier stream when logging set to debug [SWS-219].
- #370 - IllegalArgumentException "faultString cannot be empty" [SWS-218].
- #369 - Booking a flight for non-existent flight should result in NoSuchFlightException [SWS-217].
- #368 - AbstractValidatingInterceptor.handleResponseValidationErrors's JavaDoc is wrong [SWS-216].
- #367 - Add Java 1.4.2 instructions to FAQ [SWS-215].
- #364 - WebServiceTemplate always creates SaajSoapMessageFactory instead of only DomPoxMessageFactory [SWS-213].
- #363 - BEA StAX implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException when invoked with DOMSource [SWS-212].
- #362 - XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder should use QNameUtils to construct QNames [SWS-211].
- #360 - WebServiceTemplate should send an empty SOAPAction header by default [SWS-208].
- #357 - Allow customization of the "SoapFault" produced by the SimpleSoapExceptionResolver [SWS-205].
- #356 - Don't abuse Assert.isTrue [SWS-204].
- #355 - Namespace declarations may be removed from the wsdl when transformWsdlLocations = true [SWS-203].
- #354 - Endpoint Mapping and Saxon [SWS-202].
- #353 - Add LeadLander code to site [SWS-201].
- #352 - Thread safe problem during wsdl generation [SWS-200].
- #350 - SaajUtils wrong way to detect SAAJ version [SWS-198].
- #348 - Lack of useAttributeFor in XStreamMarshaller [SWS-196].
- #345 - XStreamMarshaller should be extended to allow specifying annotated classes [SWS-192].
- #339 - Use maven profiles to build samples for various app servers [SWS-186].
- #316 - The XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder does not support multiple xsds in generating a WSDL file. [SWS-162].
- #300 - MessageDispatcherServlet does not search servlet context for a WsdlDefinitionHandlerAdapter instance [SWS-146].
- #241 - Integrate Spring Validator within Spring Web Services [SWS-81].