released this
21 Nov 17:02
1813 commits
to main
since this release
- #347 - Incorrect javadoc in org.springframework.ws.soap.SoapFault [SWS-195].
- #344 - Loading default key store overwrites truststore [SWS-191].
- #343 - Document Java6 & SAAJ behavior [SWS-190].
- #342 - XPathExpression is not thread-safe [SWS-189].
- #341 - WS-Security exception not being handled [SWS-188].
- #338 - Mention usage of Spring-WS in a normal DispatcherServlet context [SWS-185].
- #337 - typo in source-example of reference documentation [SWS-183].
- #336 - Order of setting properties in WebServiceGatewaySupport [SWS-182].
- #335 - Option to allow marshaller skip xml declarations [SWS-181].
- #332 - Mention TransportContext in docs [SWS-178].
- #331 - Fix MTOM sample [SWS-177].
- #330 - PayloadValidatingInterceptor ignores schema list [SWS-176].
- #329 - SAAJ0511: Unable to create envelope from given source [SWS-175].
- #328 - Update WebServiceTemplate documentation for the new method names [SWS-174].
- #327 - Remove JAXB1 references from airline sample [SWS-173].
- #326 - Document SimpleWsdl11Definition [SWS-172].
- #325 - Jaxb2Marshaller.supports(Class clazz) is too eager [SWS-171].
- #324 - AxiomSoapMessageFactory + PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping allways falls to DOM parsing [SWS-170].
- #323 - Document conventions of XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder [SWS-169].
- #322 - Reference documentation - Chapter 4.0 - spelling [SWS-168].
- #321 - Reference documentation - Chapter 3.5 - Creating the project [SWS-167].
- #320 - No Java extensionType found to represent a '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}schema' element in the context of a 'javax.wsdl.Types'. [SWS-166].
- #319 - GZIP decompression handling in client [SWS-165].
- #318 - Null pointer while handling empty SOAP Body [SWS-164].
- #259 - Allow alternative schema location in XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder [SWS-104].