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Here are some of my own, or modified ebuilds. Also some of them I´ve found in the web, or in other overlays ;-)
I´ve tested all on my local system, without error.
- Perhaps some ebuilds where deleted cause they are in other overlays
- I didn´t need it anymore
- I´ve no time to change/edit it.
To use my ebuilds download spikyatlinunx.conf in your /etc/portage/repos.conf directory and run "emaint sync -r spikyatlinux", without quotes of course.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spikyatlinux/ebuilds_for_gentoo/master/spikyatlinux.conf -O /etc/portage/repos.conf/spikyatlinux.conf && emaint sync -r spikyatlinux && eix-update
eselect repository enable spikyatlinux
emaint sync -r spikyatlinux
sudo eix-update