rblmonitor is an app to check if an IP is blacklisted. It is built with Python using the Django Web Framework. And bootstraped with Django Edge
This project has the following basic apps:
- rbls (just put the ip and check the status in the rbl sites)
To set up a development environment quickly, first install Python 3. It comes with virtualenv built-in. So create a virtual env by:
1. `$ python3 -m venv rblmonitor`
2. `$ . rblmonitor/bin/activate`
Install all dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Copy local.sample.env to local.env. !!Important!! Generate a new SECRECT_KEY
cp src/rblmonitor/settings/local.sample.env src/rblmonitor/settings/local.env
Run migrations:
python3 src/manage.py migrate
Import the data from the fixture:
python3 src/manage.py loaddata rbllist
Create super user:
python3 src/manage.py createsuperuser
Run the application:
python3 src/manage.py runserver
When finish working in the venv, we need to close the enviroment:
`$ . rblmonitor/bin/deactivate`