Smart way to Capture Jobs and Process Meta Data Using DynamoDB | Project Demo | Python Templates | Alerts
In this article, I will present a solution that will allow you to easily monitor and capture status for running jobs and tasks. Capturing the details allows us to determine how long a process takes, what the status of the process is, and if necessary, dive into Task level details. When a job runs, it generates a unique process (GGUID), which represents the running or ongoing work. The process will have a start and end time and will display the status of ongoing activities. Each task in the process will have a name, a start and end time, and a status. If a task fails, the process status will be marked as failed. If a user needs more visibility for a function, they can simply log the function with decorator and all details will be captured in dynamodb for that task. I will demonstrate how to design and implement these solutions.
- Shows all process that ran for given Day
- Shows all Task for Given Process for given Day (Query GSI View )
- Sends Alerts for failed process using kinesis streams lambda and SNS
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please email address in severless.yml Email address will recive alerts for failed process
Type: AWS::SNS::Subscription
Protocol: email
TopicArn: !Ref 'SNSTopic'
command 1: npm install -g serverless
command 2: serverless config credentials --provider aws --key XXXX --secret XXXXX -o
command 3: serverless deploy
class Jobs(object):
def __init__(self):
self.process_instance = Process()
def __create_process(self):
def run(self):
response_1 = self.step_1()
response_2 = self.step_2()
def step_1(self):
print("some business rules and code goes here ")
print("some more business rules and code goes here ")
def step_2(self):
raise Exception ("OUCH")
print("some business rules and fucntion calls logs ")
- Whenever you Decorate the method with dynamodb task this will log the meta data in dynamodb. this logs task start time and end time and status of task
- Status can be Success | Progress | Failed
GS1 gives you all Task for a given Process
GSI2 gives you all process for a guiven day and you can use SK to filter by status or any other things if needed
GSI3 gives you all process for month
TTL feilds will delete as the records and process get olders
Bachelor in Electronic Engineering | Masters in Electrical Engineering | Master in Computer Engineering |
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I earned a Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering and a double master’s in Electrical and Computer Engineering. I have extensive expertise in developing scalable and high-performance software applications in Python. I have a YouTube channel where I teach people about Data Science, Machine learning, Elastic search, and AWS. I work as data collection and processing Team Lead at Jobtarget where I spent most of my time developing Ingestion Framework and creating microservices and scalable architecture on AWS. I have worked with a massive amount of data which includes creating data lakes (1.2T) optimizing data lakes query by creating a partition and using the right file format and compression. I have also developed and worked on a streaming application for ingesting real-time streams data via kinesis and firehose to elastic search