requirejs-steps (pt-Br)
basic steps to use require.js
- RequireJS has an optimization tool to concatenate all javascript files on dependencies tree and minify the resulting file
Must have Git installed
Must have node.js (at least v0.10.x) installed with npm (Node Package Manager)
Must have Gulp.js node package installed globally.
sudo npm install -g gulp
Must have bower node package installed globally.
sudo npm install -g bower
Enter the following commands in the terminal
git clone
cd requirejs-steps
npm install
run gulp
npm start
development workflow
npm init
npm install \
lazypipe \
jshint-stylish \
browser-sync \
gulp \
gulp-load-plugins \
gulp-sequence \
gulp-util \
gulp-cached \
gulp-jshint \
gulp-lintspaces \
touch gulpfile.js
bower init
touch .bowerrc
bower install \
jquery \
requirejs \
mustache.js \
[GitHub] janl / mustache.js - Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
Tutorial: HTML Templates with Mustache.js | Christophe Coenraets
[GitHub] BrowserSync / browser-sync - Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.
[GitHub] OverZealous / lazypipe - Lazily create a pipeline out of reusable components. Useful for gulp.
[GitHub] gulpjs / gulp - The streaming build system
[GitHub] jackfranklin / gulp-load-plugins - Automatically load in gulp plugins
[GitHub] gulpjs / gulp-util - Utilities for gulp plugins
[GitHub] wearefractal / gulp-cached - A simple in-memory file cache for gulp
[GitHub] spalger / gulp-jshint - JSHint plugin for gulp
- [GitHub] sindresorhus / jshint-stylish - Stylish reporter for JSHint
[GitHub] ck86 / gulp-lintspaces - A Gulp plugin for lintspaces
[GitHub] teambition / gulp-sequence - Run a series of gulp tasks in order