This is a CLI based plugin manager that can simply install, uninstall, enable or disable plugins in a shopware shop. The shopware instance needs not to be fully working for this plugin manager to work as it is designed to be independent from the Shopware core itself.
The StoreApiProvider
is heavily inspired by store-plugin-installer
from shyim
see here
The recommended way to install this package manager is to require it via composer:
composer require solutiondrive/sdswpluginmanager
Alternatively, you can just download a release and unzip it.
This package manager can be used as a (not feature complete) drop-in replacement for Shopware's console plugin commands:
bin/sd-plugin-manager sd:plugins:install
bin/sd-plugin-manager sd:plugins:activate
bin/sd-plugin-manager sd:plugins:deactivate
bin/sd-plugin-manager sd:plugins:uninstall
bin/sd-plugin-manager sd:plugins:update
But the more important feature is the automatic package management. You can provide a configuration file containing the plugins to be installed in the current shop. Then this package manager will ensure that the shop contains exactly the specified plugins in the specified version. To update plugins, that are managed by composer, you have to define a plugin version in your configuration file.
You can see an example for such a configuration in etc/examples/example_config.yml
bin/sd-plugin-manager sd:plugins:deploy:auto --env=dev etc/examples/example_config.yml
To create the phar, you need to install kherge/box
(The global composer bin path needs to be available in $PATH)
composer global require kherge/box
Install the dependencies
composer install --optimize-autoloader -n
Create the phar file
box build -c box.json
Perhaps it is necessary to allow php to create a phar
php -d phar.readonly=0 ~/.composer/vendor/bin/box build -c box.json
The newly created phar file can be used just like this:
build/sd-sw-plugin-manager.phar --help
MIT. See file /LICENSE .