Russian version of README you can find here:
Yandex Schedule (rasp) API client.
Retrieving schedule between two stations (for example: New Your airport and Moscow Sheremetyevo)
$client = new Client('yourApiKeyHere');
echo $client->getScheduleBetweenStations('NYC', 'SVO',
Retrieving schedule by station (for example: Kyiv-Passazhyrsky railway station)
echo $client->getScheduleOnStation('2200001', Client::TRANSPORT_TYPE_TRAIN, Client::SYSTEM_EXPRESS);
Retrieving stations list for selected route (for example: train Berdyansk - Kiev)
echo $client->getListStationsRoute('228P_1_2');
Retrieving carrier information (for example: Turkish Airlines)
echo $client->getCarrier('TK', Client::SYSTEM_IATA);
Retrieving nearest stations
echo $client->getNearestStations('50.440046', '40.4882367', '40');
Retrieving yandex copyright block
echo $client->getCopyright();
Switching between data formats (XML and JSON available) and language versions (russian, ukrainian, turkish)
By default using JSON format and russian language.
# Install Composer
curl -sS | php
Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version of yandex-schedule
php composer.phar require sokolnikov911/yandex-schedule
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
You can then later update yandex-schedule using composer:
composer.phar update
This client requires at least PHP7 (yeahh, type hinting!) and Guzzle 6.
This library is licensed under the MIT License.