This project was about building a functional chatbot interface using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The chatbot can interact with users, ask questions, display messages, and respond with precision.
First of all I read through the instructions, starting at the top. Not to be overwelmed I tend to read 1 step at a time. This made me miss a push between step 3 and 4. From now on I will read through everything once before starting a project.
When watching the example we were provided with I immediately saw that I could use switch as a conditional as that was what we're taught on the pizzeria-project. Not knowing everything by heart, I looked at the last project to see how I could apply it to this week's project.
I struggeled a bit with connecting the right ID to the right function so I need to be better at naming the different values. That will help with debugging as well.
During my project I noticed that some styling didn't show when looking at my project in the live server. I tested it in a different browser and found out that it was the browser which didn't display it right, not my code. After I updated my browser the CSS worked as intended.
If I had more time I would have liked to show the user that the bot is processing/loading/typing. And probably add some soundeffects.