Telegram bot for sending alerts from Freshping
- Create Telegram bot with BotFather, it will return your API token.
- Create a channel in telegram and name it whatever you like.
- Invite @BotFather to that channel as admin
- Type at least one message and get your Chat ID<YOUR API TOKEN FROM ABOVE>/getUpdates
"channel_post":{"message_id":4,"sender_chat":{"id":<YOUR CHAT ID>,"title":"alerts","type":"channel"},"chat":{"id":<YOUR CHAT ID>,"title":"alerts","type":"channel"},"date":1653577465,"text":"Test"}}]}
- Specify bot token and chat id in application settings as environment variables in docker-compose:
- Expose application on publicly available URL. You can use Nginx as a reverse proxy with basic HTTP authorization.
- Configure Webhook Integration on the Freshping side, and pass your application URL and auth credentials.