CanonCam Project
Coded by: Sabarish Kuduwa Sivanath Contact:
Simple program to take picture and record video remotely using a Canon DSLR.
- EDSDK You need to request from Canon's website. (I can't distrubute it)
- Unzip EDSDK.
- Make sure headear files and .lib files are visible to the program.
- Add .dll files to the main directory (Debug folder if you are using VS)
Available functions:
- EdsError getCamera(EdsCameraRef *camera); To get the camera object
- EdsError startLiveView(EdsCameraRef camera); To start Live View on the camera
- EdsError startRecording(EdsCameraRef camera); To start video recording
- EdsError stopRecording(EdsCameraRef camera); To stop video recording
- EdsError setCameraAsDestination(EdsCameraRef camera); To set camera's SD card the destination
- EdsError takePicture(EdsCameraRef camera); To capture photo