A Program to Shuffle Binary Files
This is the first reversible binary shuffle program. It's different from a conventional file scrambler since operations can be chained.
This program is a commandline utility for Binary file shuffling. It allows the contents of a file to be reversibly shuffled and reversibly unshuffled. The shuffle uses a pseudo random number generator to shuffle and unshuffle the file. There are currently 8 file shuffle operations. It can also display the hex code of a file. These are:
- File reverse - Reverses a file
- File shuffle - Randomly shuffles a file. This is reversible by the unshuffle.
- File unshuffle - Unshuffle a file (This reverses a shuffle if the seed and iterations are the same)
- Add to the file a random number
- Subtract from the file (It is the reverse of an add)
- Byte add - Add to the file bytes a number
- Byte subtract - Subtract from file bytes a number
- Shuffle n iterations by a seed randomly
- Unshuffle n iterations by a seed randomly
This is the file command line usage. This program is written in C and can be compiled under Linux.
Shuffle arguments 1
usage: ./shuffle -rev filename (Reverse a file)
usage: ./shuffle -hex filename
usage: ./shuffle -sh filename (Shuffle a file)
usage: ./shuffle -ush filename
usage: ./shuffle -add filename
usage: ./shuffle -sub filename
usage: ./shuffle -add number filename
usage: ./shuffle -sub number filename
usage: ./shuffle -sh seed iterations filename
usage: ./shuffle -ush seed iterations filename
These are some Linux command line examples of reversing and shuffling
./shuffle -rev data1.txt
./shuffle -rev data1.txt.reverse
./shuffle -rev data1.txt.reverse
./shuffle.sh -sh data1.txt
./shuffle -sh data1.txt
./shuffle -ush data1.txt.shuffle
./shuffle -add data1.txt
./shuffle -sub data1.txt.add
./shuffle -add data1.txt.shuffle.unshuffle
This is an example of shuffling a file (data1.txt) with 10 iterations and a seed value of 200 for the Pseudo Random Number Generator.
./shuffle -sh 200 10 data1.txt
Shuffle arguments 5
shuffle file size 89
shuffle file 0
shuffle file 1
shuffle file 2
shuffle file 3
shuffle file 4
shuffle file 5
shuffle file 6
shuffle file 7
shuffle file 8
shuffle file 9
filename = data1.txt.shuffle
This is an example the file data1.txt with several shuffle operations including reverse and unreverse and shuffle and unshuffle and add and subtract.
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This program is licensed under the GNU GPL.
============================================= Copyright 2016 Nathan Ross
A Nathan Ross design "Festival of a Thousand Lights"
January 29, 2014