A web application that generates a Spotify playlist containing all your liked tracks. I.e. it converts your Spotify Liked Songs into a playlist.
- Authenticate with Spotify using OAuth 2.0.
- Fetch all your liked tracks from Spotify.
- Create a new public playlist named "LikedTracks" on your Spotify account.
- Add all your liked tracks to the playlist.
- Pagination support for fetching large numbers of liked tracks.
- Python 3.7+
- Spotify Developer Account
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/spotify-liked-tracks-playlist-generator.git cd spotify-liked-tracks-playlist-generator
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up your Spotify Developer credentials:
Go to the Spotify Developer Dashboard and create a new application. Add http://localhost:8888/callback as a Redirect URI in your Spotify application settings. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret and update config.example.py with these values. Then rename config.example.py to config.py.
Run the script:
py index.py
Follow the link displayed in the console to authenticate with your Spotify account.
Contributions are welcome! Just fork it, create a new feature branch and open a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.