Consolidates environment variables for Apache, CLI and _ss_environment.php
Introduces the script /usr/local/bin/sushi
that should replace all calls to framework/cli-script.php
or framework/sake
/var/www/mysite/www/framework/sake dev/build
*** becomes ***
vhost=mysite /usr/local/bin/sushi dev/build
By default sushi will run against the web root, but you can define a release to run against i.e.
vhost=mysite release=/path/to/myrelease /usr/local/bin/sushi dev/build
Define your variables as a key => value array
Hiera (SSP):
# environment specific
ss_sushi::vhost_name: "mysite"
ss_sushi::vhost_root: "/var/www"
ss_sushi::apache_service_name: "httpd"
ss_sushi::domain_name: ""
SS_DATABASE_TIMEZONE: "Pacific/Auckland"
SS_USE_SSL: true
Standard puppet (CWP):
class { 'ss_sushi':
env_vars => {
'SS_DATABASE_NAME' => 'SS_mysite'
domain_name => "",
vhost_name => "mysite",
vhost_root => "/var/www",
apache_root => "/etc/apache2/platform-variables",
cli_root => "/etc/platform-variables"
Create a file called _ss_environment.local.php
in the same dir as _ss_environment.php
with your variables. This is automatically included.
Create a file called local.conf
in /etc/platform-variables/<vhost>
- there should be a file called 10-master.conf
there. Once created, it should be called in via sushi - which checks for *.conf
Create a file called local.conf
in /etc/apache2/platform-variables/<vhost>
- there should be a file called 10-master.conf
there. Once created, make sure you reload apache - sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
- to add the env vars in.
Use develop
Run puppet-lint --no-hard_tabs-check --no-2sp_soft_tabs-check --fix .
in the module root to get the syntax all nicey.
Install with gem install puppet-lint
else you might end up with a too-low version of puppet-lint