This repository is supposed to contain the AI for the Advanced Programming course (2023/2024, UniTN, prof. Patrignani). This project is to be completed in the future and turned in on a future exam session.
BMO is a small, kind-hearted robot. One day it wakes up in a new world, and quickly realized it's the only self-conscious being left alive in the land. Nowadays, it lives alone in the world, wondering around when it's calm, or trying to resist it's strongest emotions, sadness from being alone, and a sort of panic that ensues every once in a while.
At any point in time, the robot is feeling one of these emotions:
- happy: when BMO's happy, it feels pretty fortunate (to be alive) and tests its luck!
- calm: when BMO is calm, he wonders around the map and interacts with it
- sad: when sadness ensues, the robot moves less and less, often spending much of its time thinking about his life
- panic: when BMO feels the most helpless, it gets into a sort of desperate state, running around frantically and destroying most of the items it finds in its path
Background music from Fesliyan Studios.