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DIDComm v2 Mediator


DIDComm v2 Mediator is a web service for messages mediation in DIDComm v2 protocols. Based on NestJS framework


For persistence this backend uses MikroORM with Postgres and requires access to pre-configured Postgres instance. To start postgres compatible with default settings in docker use the following command:

# Starting container
$ docker run --name cloud-agent-postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=cloud_agent -e POSTGRES_USER=cloud_agent -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=cloud_agent_password -p 5432:5432 -d postgres


To manage db schema we use migrations stored in ./migrations directory. You need to call npm run migration:up before starting any BE app. Commands to manage migrations are:

# Migrate database to the latest version
$ npm run migration:up

# Migration:up help for advanced options
$ npm run migration:up -- -h

# Migrate one version down. Note we don't support down migrations for the moment and it will fail
$ npm run migration:down

# See list of applied migrations
$ npm run migration:list

# See list of pending migrations
$ npm run migration:pending

# Automatically create new migration as a diff between current database and updated model
$ npm run migration:create

# Drop database schema and migrations table. Note you can skip --drop-migrations-table flag to keep migrations table
# or remove -r to just see help.
$ npm run schema:drop -- --drop-migrations-table -r

Build the app

# Build code
$ npm run build

Run the app

# Run in development mode
$ npm run start

# Run in development mode, watch for changes and automatically restart
$ npm run watch

# Run in debug mode
$ npm run debug

Test the app

# Run unit tests
$ npm run test

# Run e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# Run tests and produce coverage report
$ npm run test:cov

Development tools

# Run prettier to auto-format all source code
$ npm run style:fix

# Produce linter report
$ npm run lint

# ...with auto-fix
$ npm run lint:fix

Mediation Invitation

Find Mediator provisioning invitation URL in the service output under MEDIATOR PROVISIONING INVITATION log statement. By default, Mediator starts at http://localhost:3000. In order to use Mediator outside you local host you need to set EXPRESS_PUBLIC_URL environment variable.

SBoM (Software Bill of Materials)

To generate SBoM reports, run following command:

$ npm run generate-sbom


Mediator for didcomm v2 protocols







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