Check my new news application with Jetpack Compose
Learn to build a Inshorts-60 words clone Application - Open-Source Project By Shyak Das
This open-source project is for you(community). I have taken this initiative to promote Android Learning in the best possible way. Let's do it together by learning from this project.
- Create Inshort clone Application.
- Fetch and show the latest news.
- Fetch news based on category.
- Display details news.
- Support offline feature.
- Support dark mode
- Clone the project, the master branch has the latest code.
- This App uses the NewApi, API Key for News. Get the API key from the News API console for your project. Refer this link. And put that key in the file in your project: Your will like below:
- MVVM(Model View ViewModel Architechure)
- Kotlin
- Room(For Local Database)
- JetPack Compose
- Kotlin Multiplatform
- Constraint Layout
- Kotlin Co-routine