make test-agg
is the main testing entry point for the multi-level circuit constraint system of scroll-zkevm. Developers can understand how the system works by reading the codes of this test.
Besides, make test-super-trace
can be used to test the first-level circuit.
This repository is designed to be used as a Rust crate, rather than a standalone running process. However, you can still use the following command to run binaries locally.
cargo build --release --bin setup
./target/release/setup --params <params-file-path>
If you run into linking issues during setup you may need to run
cp `find ./target/release/ | grep` /usr/local/lib/
to move the zktrielib into a path where your linker can locate it
cargo build --release --bin prove
./target/release/prove --help
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
at your option.