This is an Online Food Ordering System developed for Code Camp. The system allows users to browse restaurants, view popular dishes, and place orders for delivery or takeout. It is built using PHP and Laravel.
- Author Name: Shreyas KB
- GitHub: Shreyas KB
- LinkedIn: Shreyas KB
- Contact Email:
- User authentication for login and registration.
- Browse restaurants and view their menus.
- Order food from a variety of dishes.
- Track orders through the "My Orders" section.
- Responsive design for a seamless user experience.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Set up the database using the SQL script provided.
- Configure the database connection in
. - Run the application on a local server.
- Bootstrap - Front-end framework.
- Font Awesome - Icon toolkit.
- Animsition - Page transition library.
- Database connection configuration.css/
- Stylesheets.images/
- Image assets.admin/
- Admin panel (not provided in the code).index.php
- Home page.restaurants.php
- Restaurants listing page.dishes.php
- Dishes page.login.php
- Login page.registration.php
- Registration page.your_orders.php
- My Orders page.logout.php
- Logout
- Project documentation.
This project is licensed under the CC License - see the file for details.