This repository contains data and analysis files for the manuscript entitled 'Revealing hidden defects through stored energy measurements of radiation damage'.
Files include:
0_DPA: neutron spectrum of the MITR, damage cross-sections for all Ti isoptopes, a MATLAB script to calculate the dpa.
1_DSC: raw DSC data for all 18 samples, corrections, and calibrations, and MATLAB scripts used to process the DSC data.
2_TEM: additional micrographs for all samples and a MATLAB script to calculate the energy stored in loops.
3_SIM / 0_PKA: sample inputs for PARCAS to run a single 5keV displacement cascade in Ti at 570K.
3_SIM / 1_Annealing / Files: atomic configurations for the simulations before and after annealing at 570, 750, and 870K, and LAMMPS input scripts for heating and quenching.
3_SIM / 1_Annealing / Movies: movies showing annealing of the supercells at 570, 750, and 870K.