A Magento2 setup for a well structured development process needs the setup of development, integration and production environments.
While staging the database from production server to integration with help of backup console command (bin/magento setup:backup) minor repeating problems occur: Some settings defined in database have to be changed on staging, for example 'web/secure/base_url'.
In order to avoid this repeating task, it should be possible to define different config files overriding this settings in database. That is the purpose of this module.
Add the module to your composer file.
"require": {
"shockwavemk/magento2-module-console-staging": "dev-master"
Install the module with composer
composer update
On succeed, install the module via bin/magento console:
bin/magento cache:clean
bin/magento module:install Shockwavemk_Staging
bin/magento setup:upgrade
You should be able to see a new command in bin/magento console:
Create a configuration php file in your project directory (or a subfolder or elsewhere on your server)
return array (
'default' =>
'0' => array(
'web/unsecure/base_url' => 'http://dev.example.com',
'web/secure/base_url' => 'https://dev.example.com'
< project-path >/bin/magento staging:config:set ./db-config.php
< project-path >/bin/magento staging:config:get ./db-config.php