This project was started as an assessment part of hiring process for a place where thoughts actually Work ! :D
Built with Angular 6 and RxJS Full Chunk Size is 387 KB (Tested on Firefox and Chrome)
- Server Side Rendering with Angular 6
- Maps based Airport selection, possibly with leaflet
- Open source Flight search API integration
- Nodejs based Express Server
Chrome (Version 61.0.3163.100) -> Fully Functional
Safari (Version 11.0 (12604. -> Fully Functional
Firefox (Version 62.0.3 (64-bit)) -> Fully Functional
Opera (Version 48.0.2685.39) -> Fully Functional
Mobile -> All size screens tested to be fully functional on Chrome Dev Tools
The production build is in the /dist folder from where the build can be used directly. NOTE: Directly opening index.html in browser might give a "CORS" or Cross origin error because of the included flight-data.json file which is serving the dummy data for us. Most Flight data are from Mumbai to Kolkata on 1st of November 2017 Use range bar to modify range if initial request shows no flights
Git head not set
Unit Tests are written using Karma and Jasmine. Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
End-To-End test is writen using protractor. Run ng e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.
You can find me chilling on my website.
● Mock flight data
● Search Box
● Flights List
● Slider Component
● Framework
● Tests