Some easy to implement deep learning models for beginners .
This repository contains a list of simple and easy to implement deep learning models for beginners. Each model is designed to help users gain an understanding of the concepts and techniques involved in deep learning.The following models are included in this repository:
- Design a Densenet for Temperature Conversion
- Design a Densenet for Classifying Images Using Fashion MNIST Dataset
- Design a Convnet for Classifying Images Using Fashion MNIST Dataset
- Design a Convnet for Classifying Dog and Cat Images
- Image Classification Using Transfer Learning for Dogs vs Cats Dataset
- Implementation of Inflated 3D CNN for Action Recognition
- Object Detection Using CNN
- Implement Transformer Network for Translating Language
Each model comes with a detailed explanation of the code and the logic behind it. Users can follow along and implement the models on their own. Additionally, the repository also includes sample datasets for each model.
Feel free to clone or fork this repository to experiment with the models and datasets. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to create a pull request or open an issue.
Happy learning!