Create the database cluster if it does not exist yet.
brew info postgresql
on how to start the database server.$ initdb -D /usr/local/var/postgres-10
Create the dev database
$ createdb elternverteiler_dev
Configure the DB URI
$ export DB=postgres://localhost/elternverteiler_dev
Migrate the database
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
Run the web app
$ rerun -i 'spec/*' bundle exec rackup
Run Jobs Manually
We use
--worker-count 2
so that we do not overload the eMail servers. mailtrap.io at least does not accept more than 2/sec.$ que --log-level debug --queue mailer --worker-count 2 ./config/que.rb
$ dropdb elternverteiler_test; createdb elternverteiler_test; rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake
If desired, restore a backup from within the app in order to get some real data.
Acceptance tests can be run in parallel:
$ rake parallel:rspec:acceptance
$ bundle exec sequel $DB
Backup needs a GCP bucket
- Create a service account (Account: uhlig-consulting.net, Project: SGH Elternbeirat)
Download the credentials file. Export its contents as environment variable
; the Ruby API will read it. -
Create a bucket
. No extra ACLs are necessary because the service account is already storage admin from the previous step.
Setup the database
$ createdb elternverteiler $ export DB=postgres://localhost/elternverteiler $ bundle exec rake db:migrate
Create and authorize the SCP account
The app uses SCP to up- and download the distribution list. Create an account that is capable of scp'ing to the server using a private key (the app does not do password authentiation). Configure the app using the following environment variables:
export list_server_hostname=foo.example.com export list_server_username=bar export list_server_key_file=~/.ssh/id_rsa
Start the app and the background processor
$ export puma_control_token=******** $ export RACK_ENV=production $ gem install foreman $ foreman start
Show Puma stats
$ pumactl --control-url unix://var/puma-ctl.sock --control-token "$puma_control_token" stats