Contains scripts for mRNA-Seq preprocessing
- RSeQC (version 4.0.0)
- STAR aligner (version 2.7.10a)
- HTSeq (version 2.0.2)
The pipeline expect raw sequencing files to be named using the convention
SampleID_mate.suffix where:
SampleID can be any string
mate is the digit [1,2]
suffix is "fq.gz" for FASTQ files
ex: S01_1.fq.gz
The mRNA-Seq pipeline will map sequencing reads to a reference genome
bash -d {raw_directory}
d=[d]irectory with raw data (directory; required)
g=reference [g]enome
accepted values: GRCh38, Mmul_10, Mnem_1
p=[p]air-end sequencing files
if arugment -p is not given, single-end sequencing files are
e=[e]mail address
i=[i]soform transcript/exon counts
h=print [h]elp