Prerequisite Downloads
In order to run the application successfully, you are strongly encouraged to download and install the packages listed below:
1. Python 3.x: Python version 3.x or up is required.
Latest version is recommended.
Download from:
2. CustomTkinter: Python's GUI framework
Run this command through the command line: pip3 install customtkinter or py -m pip install customtkinter (alternative)
3. TkinterMapView: TkinterMapView is a tile based interactive map renderer widget for the python Tkinter library
Run this command through the command line: pip3 install tkintermapview or py -m pip install customtkinter (alternative)
4. geopy: geopy is Python client for several popular geocoding web services
Run this command through the command line: _pip3 install geopy or py -m pip install geopy (alternative)
To run the project, run define the frontend stuffs like generating the map and plotting of bus-stops according to the shortest path; define the methods used to perform computation such as the dijkstra shortest path algorithm; define a class named 'Coordinates' to store the latiude and longtiude as attributesof a coordinate; define methods that help to transform the data retrieved from the bus_stops.xlsx into json file; define a class named 'CollatedDataHelper' with methods that read and retrieve the data from the json file we generated at;
collated_datav2.json is a json file that contain data that will be used in the project.
This project is developed by Veleon Lim, Siong Yu, Peter Goh, Jasper Tan, Sean Koh as part of our school project.