angular's download module
Import ng-download and angular.
import angular from 'angular';
import ngDownload from 'ng-download';
Ensure that your application module specifies ngDownload as a dependency:
angular.module(MODULE_NAME, ['ngDownload'])
.controller(CONTROLLER_NAME, ['$downloadService', function($downloadService) {
$, fileName, mineType);
Or use 'download' directive:
$scope.downloadConfig = {
fileName: 'example',
data: '',
mimeType: 'application/zip'
<button download download-config="downloadConfig">Download</button>
- @param {string} The Blob, File, String, or dataURL containing the soon-to-ba File's contents.
- @param {string} The name of the file to be created. Note that older browsers (like FF3.5, Ch5) don't honor the file name you provide, instead they automatically name the downloaded file.
- @param {string} The MIME content-type of the file to download. While optional, it helps the browser present friendlier information about the download to the user, encouraging them to accept the download.