this repo provides a convenient way to provide health check status for your serverless http micro-services
import ""
func main() {
h := health.New(health.OutputProto)
h.Register("myService", nil)
f := h.NewHTTPHandler()
_ = f // f is your http handler that you can use on the server side
// typically this is served at /health route
import ""
func main() {
// create a new health provider on the client side to work with proto output format.
// i.e., server sends health status as a proto binary mesg
h := health.New(health.OutputProto)
// Obtain a new http request for a service (note that this service is something that
// server understands since it has been registered on the server side.
// "rawurl" is the http endpoint at which server is serving health status.
req, err := h.NewHTTPRequest("myService", rawurl)
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// read response and close the response body
status, mesg, err := h.ReadResponseAndClose(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// status is one of the variabled defined in:
import ""
func main() {
// create a new health provider on the client side to work with proto output format.
// i.e., server sends health status as a proto binary mesg
h := health.New(health.OutputMesg)
rawurl := ""
rawurl, err := h.SetQuery("myService", rawurl)
if err != nil { /* do something */ }
// rawurl now contains query parameters allowing you to request health status
b, err := http.Get(rawurl)
if err != nil { /* do something */ }