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Getting Started

Peter Keeler edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 2 revisions

To run Agony Forge for the first time:

  1. Make sure you have Docker and OpenJDK 8 or later installed.
  2. Clone the agony-forge project from GitHub.
  3. Open a terminal and type ./gradlew clean build to compile the project, run the tests, and build the Docker container.
  4. Type docker-compose up.

You should see it download some containers, then a bunch of logs. When you see a message like Started AgonyForge in 15.86 seconds then it's ready to go! Point your web browser at http://localhost:8080 and you'll see the main page.

Try editing greeting.txt first. You can make changes to what the MUD says when you first connect to it.

When you're done looking around, you can Ctrl+C in your terminal to shut down Agony Forge. To completely delete the Docker containers, type docker-compose down.

If you want to skip the tests for a faster build, run ./gradlew clean build -x check.

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