LazyEgg is a powerful tool for extracting various types of data from a target URL. It can extract links, images, cookies, forms, JavaScript URLs, localStorage, Host, IP, and leaked credentials. Additionally, it includes a Chrome extension to log real-time JavaScript files as they are loaded.
Extracts links, images, cookies, forms, JS URLs, localStorage, Host, IP, and leaked credentials. Supports scanning single or multiple JavaScript files. Includes a Chrome extension for real-time logging of JS files.
To install LazyEgg, clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
git clone
cd lazyegg
To view the available options for LazyEgg, use the -h flag:
python -h
To launch a scan on a target URL:
python http://localhost:8080
Find Hidden Files
To find hidden files, such as JavaScript files, using a wordlist:
python http://localhost:8080/js --js_scan --w wordlist.txt
To scan a single JavaScript file for data:
python http://localhost:8080/js/auth.js
To scan multiple JavaScript files, use a text file containing URLs of the JS files and process them with xargs:
cat jsurls.txt | xargs -I{} bash -c 'echo -e "\ntarget : {}\n" && python "{}" --js_urls --domains --ips --leaked_creds'
waybackurls | grep '\.js$' | awk -F '?' '{print $1}' | sort -u | xargs -I{} bash -c 'python "{}" --js_urls --domains --ips' > jsurls.log && cat jsurls.log | grep '\.' | sort -u
LazyEgg includes a Chrome extension that logs real-time JavaScript files loaded by the browser. It captures the difference in JavaScript files loaded for unauthenticated and authenticated users. When a user logs in, additional JavaScript files specific to the authenticated user are loaded. This allows you to see how the JavaScript environment changes upon authentication, providing insight into the dynamic content and functionality provided to logged-in users.
- Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions/.
- Enable "Developer mode" using the toggle switch.
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the chrome_extension directory from the LazyEgg repository.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.