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Scott Caratozzolo edited this page Jun 8, 2020 · 3 revisions

The EntertainmentVenue class allows you to get information about a specific venue. This class is very similar to the Park class.

To start, create an EntertainmentVenueobject:

import MouseTools
ds = MouseTools.EntertainmentVenue(10460)
# Or
ds = MouseTools.EntertainmentVenue("10460", sync_on_init=True)
# sync_on_init means sync the database with Disney on object instantiation. Default is True.
# This parameter is helpful when creating many objects back to back as syncing only once is necessary.
# Every class has this parameter.

Here are some of the EntertainmentVenue class methods:

ds.get_possible_ids() # Returns a list of possible ids that can be passed into the EntertainmentVenue class

# For wait times, you can get all wait times available for this destination.
ds.get_wait_times() # This will return a list of dictionaries in the form of id:wait time.
ds.get_wait_times_detailed() # This also returns a list of dictionaries but in the form of id:{wait_time, last_updated, name, status, entityType}. The id is the key and can be used to create an Attraction object of Entertainment object.

# You can get entity type specific wait times also:

# You can also get venue hours.
ds.get_hours() # Will return a tuple of datetime objects in the following order: operating open, operating close, extra magic hours open, extra magic hours close.
# This method can also take in a date parameter in the form of "YYYY-MM-DD" which return hours a specific day.
ds.get_hours(date = "2020-07-11")
# If there are no hours for that day it will return None. Same for extra magic hours.

# Check what the operation status is of the venue

# Data is gotten as JSON from Disney. You can access the raw data using:
ds.get_raw_data() # Returns the data from the global-facility-service
ds.get_raw_facilities_data() # Returns the data from the couchbase facilities channel.

For more information, run the following command from a terminal.

python -m pydoc MouseTools.EntertainmentVenue
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