This project will help user to find the suggested city names on the basis of provided query parameter with API call.
- Step 1: Clone this repository.
- Step 2: Run Command - "yarn install" to install all the required packages.
- Step 3: Add connection string and port details to nodemon.json (for development) or in environment for production.
- Step 4: Run Command - "yarn start:dev" to execute this project on localhost for production there is already a start script in package.json.
- Note: After step 4, the project will create a cities collection in the provided mongodb database with required location index.
- Step 5: Import data from /doc/dummyCitiesCollection.json to the cities collection.
- Step 6: Send a GET request localhost:3000/suggestions?q=dummy1&latitude=34.46999&longitude=-122.25257&radius=393116.845&sort=distance .
- After project setup
- Run Command - "yarn test"
- Add "CONNECTION_STRING" in host environment
- Default environment variables are in .env at root, if you want to change anything like PORT then change here
- To create docker image
- Run Command - "docker-compose build"
- To run docker conatiner
- Run Command - "docker-compose up -d"
- To stop running docker conatiner
- Run Command - "docker-compose down"
- Note: Please create location index using "db.cities.createIndex( { location: "2dsphere" } )" command.
- Note: Please fill the data in the format of city model.
- User can fetch cities with latitude and longitude and distance if filter does matched.
- User should get blank suggestions if filter does not matched.
- User should get 422 - validation failed if not provided proper filter.
- We will add featue to show alt_name and ascii name if they match and name does not match, in place of name.
- We will analyse and add feature to block IP address for some duration, if they are attempting too many times again and again.
- CONSIDER_ASCII_AND_ALT_NAME_MATCHING_BUT_SHOW_NAME_ONLY : By default its true. If it is true, then for query matching it also check for ascii and alt_name otherwise it only match name from collection.
- ENABLE_IP_RATE_LIMITING: By default this flag is false, if you want to apply rate limiting over ip address then run "redis" cache on some server or localhost or using docker and then update "REDIS_HOST" IP in .env and nodemon.json file, and make flag true.
- Radius is in KM.
- To configure rate limiting kindly check constants file. By default it allow maximum 5 attempts in 1 minute from same IP address.
- To run redis using docker use the command "docker run --name suggestions-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis"