Internet service daemon, listen on TCP connections and log all the info to var/log in the background.
$ make
$ ./Matt_daemon
$ ps aux | grep Matt_daemon
$ netstat -an | grep 4242
$ nc localhost 4242
hello I am Kura
this project is so easy
did it in one day and still have some extra time to play arena and chill.
$ ./Matt_daemon -h
Usage: make [options] [parameters] ...
-h Print this menu.
-p Path for the log file.
-a Enable authentication, enter login and password seperated by ':'
-e Enable encryption mode.
$ ./Matt_daemon -a kura:123
#this will start the daemon in secure mode, all the incomming connection will need to authenticate first.
$ ./Matt_daemon -e
#this will start the daemon in encryption mode.
- it will just run in the background and listen to port 4242.
- client can use nc commant to connect to it, it will just log whatever it receives to the log file.
- when receive termination signal, it will log to the file and shut itself down.
- Create a graphical client to interact with the daemon.
- Add utility functions to your daemon (creating a remote shell by example!).
- Encrypt the sending and receiving of data (involves a customer, logically).
- Advanced archiving of logs.
- Sending mail according to selected filtering rules.
- Create an authentication system to connect to the daemon (via graphical / remote client shell).
- Use of advanced encryption systems (public / private key).