Forum App built with Laravel, VueJS, Pusher, Vuetify, JWT to test drive all these technologies integrated together.
This Project is still under development. Currently only API Endpoints have been configured in Laravel.
This Forum App has below functionalities.
- User
- Category
- Question
- Reply
- Like
To make this package fully functional please follow below instructions.
IMPORTANT: Step 1: Install Laravel Vendor dependencies by running below command under root directory.
composer install --no-scripts
- Create .env file from .env.example file found at root path of the project.
- Setup Database details as per your local setup.
- Run below command to generate Laravel APP_KEY.
php artisan key:generate
- Run below command to generate JWT secret key.
php artisan jwt:secret
- Run below command to create required database tables into the database configured in .env file.
php artisan migrate
- Run below command to fill database with fake data from Faker Module.
php artisan db:seed
Step 4: To list out all the project Routes (Web & API) in terminal. To get clear understanding of available routes & associated HTTP Verbs.
php artisan route:list