These scripts ran on Mac with python 3.7.6 using only Turtle and Numpy packages.
- Checkers game with graphical interface with 2 possible rules: with and without forced take (jump)
- MCTS model using the following Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) formula: MCTS model can be customized with reward designs, thinking time and with option to use or not transfer of knowledge (MCTS player reuses relevant branches from former built tree according to current boardgame). It is also possible to visualize the tree with number of visits and average reward at each state.
- 3 Different modes: MCTS vs MCTS, User vs MCTS, MCTS vs Random
demo: 0.5s MCTS (black) vs 1s MCTS (red)
demo: 0.5s MCTS (black) vs Random player (red)