This project visualizes Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) 2009 (n-dimensional data) and uses feature reduction techniques to find what are the factors which have the most impact on residential energy usage
- Prepare a RECS 2009 data, which is a high-dimensional dataset
- Understand challenges with visual interpretation of the raw data
- Reduce the dataset to 2 dimensions by using t-SNE for plotting and interpretation
- Assess if the type of housing unit feature's impacts on the energy consumption pattern of US households
You will need a python 3 interpreter with the following packages:
- jupyter notebook
- scikit learn
- scipy
- matplotlib
- pandas
- seaborn
- sqlite3
- regular expression
- Clone (or download) the repository:
git clone
- Open/Run the jupyter notebook t-SNE_with RECS_2009_final_version.ipynb
- reading big dataset from csv format and writing it to different file format databases (sql)
- data-cleaning: removing character features values and replacing nans.
- data-transformation: normalization and applying transformation techniques during the feature reduction stage.
- Visualization: ploting the data in the reduced dimentionality
- t-SNE algorithm implementation: reducing the data into two dimensions and creating effective 2-D plot.
I have download the RECs 2009 data from eia's website:
Note: Please read the Notes and Observations throughout the Notebook to understand the approach, concepts used, and flow of the project.